Allison's Barista Bio

Allison became a Shimoji barista in December of 2016. She fell so in love with Shimoji on opening day in October, that she came back every day for the first week! She finally worked up the courage to apply in December and got the job! Allison’s favorite part about being a barista at Shimoji is seeing the smile on each customer’s face when she hands them their drink.

The Classic Latte on ice made with almond milk and an extra shot is Allison’s favorite drink. She likes to add an extra shot for a stronger flavor, so if it’s too late in the day she just asks for the extra shot to be decaf. Allison’s other favorite drink is the Raspberry Vanilla Cream Shimo Soda with coconut milk, instead of cream. Her favorite baked good is the Blueberry Muffin because it’s a delicious treat to indulge in at any time of day.

Allison recently graduated from Greenville University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English. Allison is very passionate about coffee, and she looks forward to every shift at Shimoji, so she will continue to be barista at Shimoji. During her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, cooking, and visiting new restaurants.
